
The Sun

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Following the string.....

I woke up this morning feeling stiff and achy and thought "I really need to do some stretches when I get up". Although I didn't know it, my real thought was "I need to find someone to show me some stretches", and like the good and obedient messenger a thought can be, it rushed straight up to the Great Help Desk in the Sky and plopped down my request. It must be a slow day up there today, because before I could say Bob's your Uncle, I saw that there was a Gentle Yoga class at my gym at 10:30.

It wasn't like the yoga class popped up on my computer screen on it's own or anything. In fact, I was on the trail of earlier request (finding a closer Zumba class), when I saw it. Gentle Yoga. What did that mean? Slower movements, shorter stretches, mediator stance, downward puppy?

When I got there, I quickly realized that "Gentle" at a gym means "For Old People". Fine by me. I don't need a yoga class where everyone is younger, more limber and more energetic than me. Give me a group of chubby older women any day. My tight yoga pants can hold there own in that crowd.

It was a wonderful class. Just right for me. It was yoga light, not-fat yoga, yoga someone who hasn't exercised in 30 years could have the slimmest hope of mastering. My yoga. Yoga pour moi. Mi yoga es su yoga.

As I was leaving the yoga room, I ran into my trainer. She asked me how I was.... which was relaxed, smug, stretched out, and crying from the 'imagine your perfect place' closing meditation (sorry...Tom seems to always be in my imaginary perfect place). I told her I wanted her to teach me morning stretches, a short shot of movements to get me going, and that is what we'll do tomorrow.

On the way out, I came across a bulletin that the gym was going to have a licensed Chinese medicine practitioner available every week. (another request that was already in the pipeline).

Walking across the parking lot to my car, I realized that I had been following a thread of intention that was born with a simple request in my mind. The Universe was listening to me. More, the Universe was throwing answers at me faster than I could field them.

I wonder how many times those fast ball answers had whizzed by my head unnoticed. Or perhaps they are never there until you start the game.

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